Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day Four

So far, so good!  Thanks for your prayers last night.  I was victorious!!!

I'm truly finding it easier and easier which just blows me away.  I even tried plain milk in my coffee this morning and really enjoyed it!

Tonight we are having a sweet young lady over for dinner and she offered to bring dessert so as much as I really don't want to cheat, I may break my "no sugar week" just slightly.

10 out of 15 miles walked.

Praying for you all today!!!  One decision at a time we can glorify God with our bodies!!!


Tracy said...

You are doing wonderful with your goal of fighting the sugar habit AND your miles walked! I hope you enjoy your time of fellowship tonight. What a blessing. :)

Angie said...

Great job Grace!

How is Ella?

I would have a little dessert tonight and not feel guilty at all!It would not be a bad decision or a decision made out of lack of self control kwim?

Great job on the miles!!!!!