Hooray! I just finished Day 12 which means.......... 12 days down, 18 to go.......... 12 days down, eight days until I start a new level........... 2 weeks down, only 3 more to go!!!! Plus, I get tomorrow off!!!
I also got all of my juice in this week which means tomorrow I'll be enjoying breakfast with my family!
Huge praise of the day~ My husband was helping with our youth group's service project this morning and mid-way I get a call from him. The funny thing was, when I saw his number I purposed to do my best, over-joyed to hear from you/ I'm so madly in love with you voice as I answered. "Hi! How are YOU doing?" I answered dripping with sweetness. "I'm fine," he answered. "I'm in the ER". Praise the Lord he has just badly cut his finger, but it should be just fine. It's amazing to think how life changing this day could have been. Please pray though for quick healing ( this man HATES to be held back from anything!) and that I will be the understanding, helpful and supportive wife he needs. Thank you friends!
Grace don't give up on me I still haven't got my dvd in the mail. EBAY????!!! but I found level 1 on youtube this morning and did it!! When I started I did not want to do it but I am so glad I did because I feel GREAT!!!
Oh I wanted to add that Jillian says the "a" word in her video and at the end of the youtube video the advertising for other videos is really horrible and racy...if anyone wanted to do the video on youtube:)
Grace, I am so happy to hop on here again and see that you have been faithful to the Shred. :) What an encouragement to ME! Way to Go!
Secondly, I am so sorry about your husband. I know how frustrating that can be... especially for a man who is "always going". I hope he heals up well, and will be praying that you can be sweet and encouraging to him.
I hope to at least catch up with my blogging friends this afternoon... can't wait to read what you've been up to!
Grace????????? Where are you?????? I got the shred!! I just did day 5!! Where are you and Heather????? :):)
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